A fluffy ball of darkinos could be lurking at the Milky Way's core.


This artist’s impression video shows the path of the star S2 as it passes very close to the supermassive "black hole" at the center of the Milky Way. (Image credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser)

The black hole in our galaxy could be something quite different.

In the summer of 2014, astronomers watched with bated breath as G2, a cloud of gas, swung perilously close to a supermassive black hole in the Milky Way's center. There were no sparks, and there was no feeding frenzy. Instead, G2 sped through the event uninjured, escaping what astronomers had said would be a near-death experience.

But, because black holes are enormous bullies, the fact that the gravity well overlooked the gassy bystander was startling. It appeared to be impossible. Astronomers now believe that the supermassive black hole at the heart of our galaxy is actually a fluffy ball of dark matter rather than a black hole. According to new study, this unusual concept can account for the "impossible" encounter as well as all galactic center observations — and then some.

Icarus and the black hole

Astronomers have long suspected that a supermassive black hole exists in the center of the Milky Way, known as Sagittarius A*. Of course, they won't be able to view the black hole because it doesn't emit any light of its own. Instead, they deduce its existence by observing the movements of the S-stars, a cluster of stars. The S-stars orbit a hidden, unseen center object, and astronomers can determine the mass and size of that core object by tracing their orbits over time.

A black hole, with a mass estimated to be greater than 4 million times that of the sun, is the most plausible candidate for that concealed central object. But the S-stars aren't the only visitors to our galactic metropolis. There are also clumps of gas, one of which, called G2, garnered significant attention. Soon after the clump was discovered decades ago, astronomers understood that G2's orbit would put it uncomfortably close to the black hole — close enough for the black hole's tremendous gravity to tear the gas cloud apart.

However, the gas appeared to survive the closest approach of G2 to the black hole in 2014, when it came within 260 AU of the giant.

Make it fluffier

G2's longevity is most likely due to the fact that it is more than just a regular gas cloud. What is its secret superpower? A star or two could be hidden inside the cloud, and the star's gravity would keep the entire structure intact as it passed near the black hole.

However, there is another, more extreme explanation: the supermassive black hole may not be a black hole at all. Maybe it's a clump of dark matter that's hazy.

Dark matter is the name given by astronomers to an invisible substance that accounts for more than 80% of the universe's mass. It doesn't appear to interact with light in any way - it doesn't glow, absorb, reflect, or refract light — thus we can't see it. Its gravity, on the other hand, makes its presence felt. Multiple, independent lines of evidence have all shown that dark matter makes up the majority of the universe's mass.

According to one idea, dark matter is comprised up of an exotic, hitherto undiscovered particle known as "darkinos." According to the hypothesis, the darkino is a fermion, a sort of particle. Fermions include electrons, protons, quarks, and neutrinos, all of which share the property of being unable to share the same state. In other words, a particular volume can only hold so many fermions (this is in contrast to the bosons, which you can shove as many as you want into a given volume).

If dark matter is made up of darkinos, and darkinos are fermions, these dark matter particles would only concentrate to a certain extent near the galaxy's core. This would imply that instead of a supermassive black hole with a well-defined event horizon, a large ball of densely packed darkinos exists. The boundary of this darkino ball would be a little hazy, because not everyone can join the party at the very center, just as partygoers standing in line outside the local disco.

Keep it consistent

The gravitational pressures at the galaxy's center would be softer since the huge darkino ball would be fuzzy, letting gas clouds like G2 to persist in their orbits.

However, there's more to our galaxy's core — and to our views of the galactic core — than G2. There's also the matter of the S-stars. Any radical theory attempting to substitute a supermassive black hole with something else must produce predictions that are consistent with the observations.

And a recent study backs up this claim. The team of astrophysicists, led by Eduar Antonio Becerra-Vergara of the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics in Italy, discovered that by replacing the supermassive black hole with a ball of darkinos with the right mass and velocity, they were able to replicate all of the S-stars' observed motion. In some circumstances, their model may be able to fit observed orbits better than standard black hole calculations.

However, the outcome is insignificant. The black hole model is extremely simple: to predict how S-stars should behave, you only need to plug in two numbers: the black hole mass and spin. The darkino model, on the other hand, has a lot more parameters, which allows for more fine-tuning, and the researchers discovered the best possible combination of darkino properties.

Future observations will be the true test. If dark matter is made up of darkinos, a model that accurately depicts what's going on in the galactic center should also be able to duplicate all of the various dark matter measurements found across the cosmos. This would include figuring out why galaxies rotate faster than they should for their mass.

The new study is published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters in the May issue.

Originally Published By Live Science

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