The mysteries surrounding Stephen Hawking's doodle-filled blackboard may be revealed at long last.


What is "Exxon gravity," and why was it on the legendary physicist's chalkboard?

The secrets behind the doodling, in-jokes, and coded messages on a chalkboard that famed physicist Stephen Hawking left untouched for more than 35 years are the subject of a new museum display.

According to The Guardian, the blackboard dates from 1980, when Hawking attended a seminar on superspace and supergravity at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Hawking's colleagues used the blackboard as a welcome distraction while attempting to come up with a cosmological "theory of everything" — a set of equations that would combine the rules of general relativity and quantum mechanics — by filling it with a mishmash of half-finished equations, perplexing puns, and incomprehensible doodles.

Still preserved more than 40 years later, the befuddling blackboard has just gone on public display for the first time ever as the centerpiece of a new exhibition on Hawking's office, which opened Feb. 10 at the Science Museum of London. The museum will welcome physicists and friends of Hawking — who died in 2018 at the age of 76 — from around the world in hopes that they may be able to decipher some of the hand-scrawled doodles.

What, for example, does "stupor symmetry" mean? Who is the shaggy-bearded Martian drawn large at the blackboard's center? Why is there a floppy-nosed squid climbing over a brick wall? What is hiding inside the tin can labeled "Exxon supergravity?" Hopefully, the world's great minds of math and physics can rise to the occasion with answers.

The blackboard joins dozens of other Hawking artifacts on display, including a copy of the physicist's 1966 Ph.D. thesis on the expansion of the universe, his wheelchair and a personalized jacket given to him by the creators of "The Simpsons" to honor his multiple appearances on the show. The exhibit will run until June 12 at the Science Museum in London, before hitting the road with stops at several other museums in the U.K., according to The Guardian.

Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in England. In 1963, he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, often known as Lou Gehrig's illness or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, while studying cosmology at the University of Cambridge (ALS). Hawking, who was only 21 years old at the time, was only expected to live for two more years. He lived and worked for over five decades, releasing groundbreaking research on black holes, the Big Bang theory, and general relativity.

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